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DAY 1 | 10 OCTOBER 2022

Session 1 – Opening plenary
Chair: Wandile Nomquphu09:00 | SAHS Chair: Welcome and Introduction: Dr Michelle Toucher
09:15 | WRC CEO: Dr Jennifer Balatedi Molwantwa
09:30 | Guest talk (DWS)
09:45 | Keynote Address: Prof Hubert Savenije – The hydrological system as a living organism
10:30 | Tea Break
Session 2a – Hydrological modelling: uncertainty and approaches
Chair: Dr Jane Tanner11:00 | Johan van Tol: Application of hydropedological interpretations in hydrological modelling
11:15 | Julia Glenday: Intercomparison of catchment modelling tools commonly used in South Africa: structures and process representation
11:30 | Peni Metho: Are all wetland models the same? Comparing the modelled impacts of a valley-bottom wetland on floods and droughts
11:45 | Peter Wasswa: Developing conceptual-perceptual model to assess groundwater recharge dynamics in the upstream of Uitenhage Artesian Basin, South Africa
12:00 | Harriette Adhiambo Okal: Comparison and Validation of Global Hydrological Model Outputs against Local Hydrological Data: A Case of Sub-Saharan Africa
12:15 | Christiaan Schutte: Can freely available weather data and deep learning accurately predict stream flow in a South African semi-arid catchment?
12:30 | LunchSession 2b – Climate and rainfall
Chair: Dr Michele Toucher11:00 | Tinyiko Nkuna: Orographic influence on the distribution of rainfall in the Luvuvhu River Catchment
11:15 | Kershani Tinisha Chetty: An assessment of Satellite Rainfall products for Hydrological Modelling
11:30 | Jason Hallowes: Drought monitoring provided through Cloud-based processing of Satellite data “Eye in the sky no longer pie in the sky”
11:45 | Demian Vusimusi Mukansi: A review of the trends in hydrological extremes and incorporation of non-stationary hydrological data into design flood estimation in South Africa
12:00 | Katelyn Johnson: The Development of Methods to Account for Non-stationary Climate Data in Design Rainfalls in South Africa
12:15 | Maqsooda Mahomed: Detection and Early Warning of Lightning and Extreme Storm Events in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


Session 3a – Climate change impacts
Chair: Mark Horan
13:45 | Shudufhadzo Mukwevho:  Modelling the impact of climate change on hydrology of Latonyanda River Quaternary Catchment (LRQC)
13:50 | Rachel Makungo: Impact of climate change on crop water requirements in the Luvuvhu River Catchment, South Africa
14:05 | Stefanie Schütte: A National Assessment of Potential Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in South Africa
14:20 | Ramadhani Twaha: Assessment of Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Water Resources: The Case of Kimani River Catchment, Tanzania.
14:35 | Piotr Wolski: Development of homogeneous climate zones for evaluation of climate change impacts on water resources in South Africa Session 4 – Workshop 15:00 | Wandile Nomquphu et al:
Future Update of the Baseline Hydrology for South Africa (WR2012 update)16:30 | Tea Break
17:00 | SAHS General Meeting
19:00 | Dinner

Session 3b – Monitoring and process observation
Chair: Katelyn Johnson13:45 | Anesu Dion Gumbo: Provision of ecological goods and services in headwater catchments: An assessment of anthropogenic influences
13:50 | Martin Kleynhans (presenter: Louise Dobinson) | Monitoring of streamflow benefits and establishment of a decision support model for the Greater Cape Town Water Fund
14:05 | Tiffany Aldworth: Estimating Evapotranspiration in a Woody Encroached Semi-Arid Savanna using Surface Renewal
14:20 | Sagwati Eugene Maswanganye:  Using the water balance approach to understand pool dynamics along non-perennial rivers in semi-arid areas of SA
14:35 | Faith Jumbi : Temporal variation of soil water content and groundwater under different landcover types in a floodplain of a semi-arid mountainous catchment

DAY 2 | 11 OCTOBER 2022

Session 5 – Opening plenary
Chair: Kershani Tinisha Chetty
08:00 | Dr Alanna Rebelo: Welcome and housekeeping
08:10 | Keynote Address: Dr Tendai Sawunyama: Role of Catchment Management Agency’s (CMAs) in Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management in South Africa8:50 | Keynote Address: Dr Jane Tanner – Widening our perspective: How hydrologists can contribute towards more sustainable development09:30 | Jeff Smithers: The National Flood Studies Programme for South Africa: Overview and Progress to Date09:45 | Alanna Rebelo: The hydrological impacts of restoration: A modelling study of alien tree clearing in four mountain catchments in South Africa
10:00 | Tea Break


Session 6a – Agriculture, irrigation and water use
Chair: Prof Simon Lorentz
10:30 | Shaeden Gokool: Mapping land use land cover in smallholder agricultural systems using very-high spatial resolution unmanned aerial vehicle imagery
10:45 | Mlungisi Shabalala: Understanding the hydrological impacts of replacing commercial forestry with macadamia orchards: A case study from a groundwater-driven South African catchment
11:00 | Thando Mthembu: Assessing the water productivity of sweet potato
11:15 | Kyle Reddy: Quantifying water use and nutritional water productivity of sweet potato (Ipomoea Batatas)
11:30 | Louise Dobinson: Estimation of the inflows to the Berg River Estuary in support of its health and value as a RAMSAR site
11:45 | Vhahangwele Mbaimbai: Hydrological modelling for estimating water availability for irrigation supply in selected schemes in Nzhelele Area
12:00 | Lunch

Session 7 – Workshop
13:30 | Jean-Marc Mwenge Kahinda, Evison Kapangaziwiri:
Refocusing South Africa’s hydrology research agenda

Session 8 – Poster Session
15:00 | Poster Session & Tea Break
Stefanie Schütte – Impacts of soil carbon on hydrological responses – a sensitivity study of scenarios across diverse climatic zones in South Africa
Sinetemba Xoxo – Evaluating the socio-economic impact of water restrictions in different sub-sectors of an agricultural catchment
Esihle Gotye – A swat-based assessment of the impacts of landcover on hydrology and soil loss in the T35A quaternary catchment, Eastern Cape
Joshua Rasifudi – National State of Water Report for South Africa 2021
Daniel Murungi Kironde: Investigating the accuracy of various speckle filters for soil water content estimations in north-eastern Hungary
Kevina Naidoo: Evaluation of Soil Moisture Estimates From Satellite-based and Reanalysis Products over Two Network Regions
Thobeka Nsibande: Rainfall-Groundwater Relationship, groundwater-surface water relationship, and groundwater dynamics in the Maputaland Coastal Plain
Mkholo Maseko: Groundwater Modelling Of Lake Sibaya Under Various Landcover And Climate Scenarios Advised By Plant Water Source Partitioning Using Isotopes
Tshireletjo Manchidi: Identification and prioritization of areas for riparian buffer restoration in the Sout River catchment, Overberg District, Western Cape.
Londeka Ntshangase: Microplastics dispersal patterns across an anabranching reach of the Orange River, Northern Cape, South Africa.
Alousseynou Bah: Pesticides residues accumulation in freshwater, sediments and fish in the Guiers Lake basin: Risks for Senegal’s strategic water reservoir
16:30 | Guided River Walk – Dr Julia Glenday & Joshua Rasifudi
18:00 | Break
19:00 | Dinner

DAY 3 | 12 OCTOBER 2022

Session 9 –Opening plenary
Chair: Prof Jeff Smithers
08:00 | Dr Julia Glenday | Welcome and housekeeping
08:05 | Keynote Address: Prof Denis Hughes – Science into practice: From the past to the future (Des Midgley Memorial lecture)
08:50 | Keynote Address: Dr Michele Toucher – Cathedral Peak Research Catchments: Ten years on from Reestablishment of MonitoringSession 10a – Databases and decision making
Chair: Prof Denis Hughes
09:30 | Nancy Job: Data synthesis, partnerships, planning – are we pulling together for the best outcome for freshwater ecosystems in South Africa
09:45 | Michael van der Laan: The Water Research Observatory: Developing a cloud-based data platform for water research and hydrological modelling in SA
10:00 | Mark Horan: Creation of an improved set of Quaternary Catchment Altitudinal Zones for use in National Scale Hydrological Modelling
10:15 | Julia Glenday: Exploring the implications of hydrological modelling tool selection: applying commonly used tools to a set of case study catchments
10:30 | Tea Break


Session 10b – Flood and runoff prediction
Chair: Dr Rachel Makungo
09:30 | Katelyn Johnson: Estimation of High-Return Period Design Rainfalls and Probable Maximum Precipitation in South Africa
09:45 | Ndivheni Ravhura: Updating the rainfall-runoff model for Latonyanda River Catchment in Limpopo Province, South Africa
10:00 | Zama Ndlovu: Assessing and improving the simulation of runoff and design flood estimation in urban areas using the ACRU and SCS-SA models
10:15 | Udhav Maharaj: Improved Performance of the SCS-SA Model and Development of a Framework for Uncertainty Estimation for Design Flood Estimation in South Africa

Session 11a – Water resources management and tools
Chair: Louise Dobinson
11:00 | Khanyisile Mnguni: Modelling, Assessment And Optimisation Of Rules For Selected Umgeni Water Distribution Systems
11:05 | Bennie Haasbroek: Drought ravaged Algoa Water Supply System: Short-term operational and allocation strategy
11:20 | Erik Van der Berg: Innovative Uses of Water from a Raised Clanwilliam Dam
11:35 | Joshua Rasifudi: An approach to evaluate the effects of complexity on water quality modelling performance and uncertainty.
11:50 | Sakikhaya Mabohlo: SWAT+ hydrological model Application for water balance assessment in an intensive irrigated agricultural catchment in the Western Cape, South Africa
12:05 | David Gwapedza: A stakeholder-driven process to develop a water resources management plan


Session 11b – Land cover impacts


Chair: Prof Timothy Dube
11:00 | Ayanda Shamandla Mbatha: Assessing Impact of Land use Cover Change in Houtbosloop Catchment.
11:05 | Ione Loots: Quantifying the influence of urban development on runoff in South Africa: a Tshwane case study
11:20 | Shaeden Gokool: Deriving moderate spatial resolution leaf area index estimates from coarser spatial resolution satellite products
11:35 | Minenhle Goge: Identifying Potential Significant Sediment Contributing Areas and Assessment of Interventions to Limit Sediment Yield into the Proposed Smithfield Dam on the uMkhomazi River
11:50 | Gyaviira Ssewankambo: Soil Erosion Risks and their Patterns in a Peri-Urban Catchment of the Lake Victoria Basin
12:05 | Sukhmani Mantel (Presenter: Sinetemba Xoxo) Mantel Ecological infrastructure as a sustainable solution for water security of rural communities

Session 12 – Closing Ceremony
Chair: Dr Julia Glenday
12:50 | Closing Ceremony – Plenary: Prize Giving and Thank-Yous
13:00 | Lunch