Keynote Speakers

Dr Mohsin Hafeez

Dr Mohsin Hafeez

Director of Water, Food and Ecosystems

Dr Hafeez has worked as an integrated water resources management and modelling expert with prestigious world-class water research and academic institutes, donors, water utilities,  governments, and international consulting companies. He has authored or co-authored nearly 200 scientific publications and has supervised two MSc and 13 PhD students in the field of water resources management, agricultural water management, food security, and rural development.   He   has worked extensively in 14 countries (Australia, Burkina Faso, Germany, Ghana, China,   Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Lao PDR, Uganda, UK, USA and Uzbekistan). He is an Adjunct Professor (Water Resources) with two Chinese universities. Mohsin has been based at IWMI’s office in Lahore, Pakistan, since 2019.

Dr Katelyn Johnson

Dr Katelyn Johnson

Lecturer, Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Dr Johnson is a Civil Engineering lecturer at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, specializing   in Fluid Mechanics and Engineering Hydrology. She conducts interdisciplinary hydrology   research that combines flood hydrology, hydrometeorology, and climate change within the   Centre for Water Resources Research (CWRR) at UKZN. She has led two flood-related   research projects funded by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and collaborates with   the Institute of Natural Resources (INR) on flood resilience research. She also brings four years of industry experience in water engineering, hydrology, stormwater management, and   hydraulics to her teaching and research.

Mr Joshua Rasifudi

Mr Joshua Rasifudi

Scientific Manager, Integrated Water Studies, Department of Water & Sanitation

Mr Rasifudi is a hydrologist with more than eleven years of experience in the water sector. His areas of expertise include hydrological monitoring, water sector regulation, irrigation water requirements, catchment assessment studies, hydrological modelling, hydraulic modeling, and hydrological water quality modelling. Mr Rasifudi is responsible for the provision of the National State of Water Report and conducting water resources studies within the Department of Water and Sanitation. His current projects include the development and implementation of water quality management actions plans for Integrated Vaal River System. Mr Rasifudi is a candidate for a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of the Witwatersrand. His research interests are currently on the effects of complexities and uncertainty on hydrological water quality model performances.

Guest Speakers

Prof Stanley Liphadzi

Prof Stanley Liphadzi

Executive for Research, Development and Innovation

Stanley Liphadzi is the Research, Development& Innovation (RDI) Executive in the Water Research Commission (WRC) and the Adjunct Professor at the University of Venda. He leads the RDI portfolio that produces new knowledge and Innovations for the water and sanitation sector. Stanley has worked in academic and agricultural sectors before joining the WRC. He has held various positions in local and international organisations; and has authored and co-authored several journal publications and book chapters. Stanley received a BSc degree from the University of Venda (RSA), MSc from the University of Pretoria (RSA),  MBL from the University of South Africa (RSA), and  PhD from Kansas State University (USA).

Prof David Holgate

Prof David Holgate

Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences, UWC

David Holgate is Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) and holds a Research Chair position in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.  Beyond his research, he is passionate about sharing his love for mathematics through teaching and academic service in the context of South Africa, where he believes that mathematics has a truly powerful role to play in nation building and addressing social injustice. Besides his research interest in General Topology and Category Theory, for which he holds a B2-rating from the South African NRF, David maintains a broad involvement in national mathematics activities. He is a founding member of the South African National Graduate Academy for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (NGA-MaSS) and chairs the Council of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS). Before joining UWC David held positions at the University of Cape Town, where he completed his PhD, and the University of Stellenbosch. Over the course of his academic career he has been a research guest at over 20 universities across the globe and held visiting positions at the University of Bremen (Germany) and the Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic). David makes sure that mathematics does not take all his time away from his life’s other passions – his family and the fynbos, mountains and oceans of the Western Cape.

Ms Deborah Mochotlhi

Ms Deborah Mochotlhi

Deputy Director Genenal, Water Resource Management

Deborah G. Mochotlhi holds a Masters: Environment and Society from the University of Pretoria, Bachelor of Technology: Environmental Health from Technicon Northern Gauteng, Bachelor of Public Administration (Hon) from the University of North West, Bachelor of Social Science from the University of North West and the Primary Health Care Service Management Programme from Wits University. Her professional experience includes environmental Auditing, protection of water resources, water authorization, water allocation reform for transformation of the sector.
She is the Deputy Director General: Water Resource Management at the Department of Water and Sanitation in South Africa, responsible largely for monitoring and information management, protection, water resource policy and strategy including Disaster Management and planning for Water Resources to ensure Water Security of the country. Miss Mochotlhi has served as the acting Director General of the Department for a significant period and on more than one occasion. She thus has a broad understanding of the water and sanitation functions, she is passionate about the sector and the improvement of efficiencies of the sector so as to enhance the positive impact thereof on human life, the environment and the economy of South Africa and neighboring countries.

Dr Nompumelelo H. Obokoh

Dr Nompumelelo H. Obokoh

Chief Executive Officer, South African Council for the Natural Scientific Profession (SACNASP)

Dr. Nompumelelo Obokoh, a Plant Molecular Biologist (Pr.Sc.Nat), obtained her PhD from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. In October 2022, she assumed the position of Chief Executive Officer at SACNASP. She is the former Chairperson of the Board of the National Research Foundation (NRF) and she’s currently an independent non-executive Director of FruitSA, a member of the Committee on Science and Technology for South Africa under the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the Vice Chair of the Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC) for the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres (CGIAR), the world’s largest agricultural research and innovation partnership. Dr. Obokoh’s professional journey also encompasses her role as a Commissioner in the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Over the span of the last two decades, Nompumelelo has spearheaded initiatives involving multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary, and multi-national teams, all aimed at enhancing sustainable agricultural productivity for small-holder farmers across sub-Saharan Africa. Beyond her considerable research endeavours in South Africa, she has actively collaborated with diverse stakeholders within the agricultural biotech value-chain across Southern, Eastern, and Western Africa, which has equipped her with a deep understanding of the regulatory intricacies of the field. 

Dr. Obokoh’s leadership roles features diverse portfolios, including representing the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) in Abuja, Nigeria; CEO of AfricaBio; a pivotal biotechnology stakeholder at the Innovation Hub-Pretoria; Divisional Head of the Innovation Support and Protection Division at the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission; and General Manager of Bioeconomy at The Innovation Hub Management Company, among other significant positions. Acknowledging her scholarly achievements, Dr. Obokoh’s noteworthy accolades include the Mandela Cambridge Scholarship, Mandela Magdalene College Scholarship, and recognition as a Fellow of the Cambridge Commonwealth Society. Her accomplishments were also featured in the 2020 Women’s Report: Celebrating Black Women’s Excellence and featured by the Art of Superwomen 2021 – A Woman Belongs: In The Biotechnology & Agricultural Industry